Sunday, June 22, 2008

Nature at Kanopolis

This is why we go to the lake. It is so peaceful and relaxing. I apologize for the fuzzy cloud picture. I took it from the truck while Jim was driving. If you click on the deer picture, you will be able to see his antlers are still velvet...

Here are some Kansas sunset pics at the lake...We didn't get to the good spot quite quick enough for the best color. We'll try again next week.

Haley Softball...Newton Kaos!!

We are all enjoying watching Haley play ball this summer..behind the fence of course..

Here is Jackson, Haley's 2-year old brother..

Jamie, Joslin, and Clarence came along to watch, too..

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

The '50

Well, we sold the old '50 Chevy. Jim's Dad bought it off the showroom floor in 1950. He put some work into it and put it up on E-Bay last week. It sold on Father's Day to a guy in Missouri. These are some of the first and last pictures of it. Yes, that is little Jimmy Neal..He was born in1952. Bitter-Sweet...

Family Traditions

I didn't get any pictures of Father's day at the lake, but we have a budding "lunch lady" in our midst. Last Friday, Jamie, Joslin, Haley and I got together to make some cookies for Father's day. This lunch lady appeared soon after we got started baking!!! She was all on her own. We did make sugar cookies from my great-grandmother Williamson's recipe along with ginger "softs". On Sunday, we made ice cream from the Snyder family recipe that Pop Snyder used to make in the past.

Garden update

If you look closely, you can see tiny eggplant , beans, and cucumber...It is so exciting!!

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Back Yard..

My garden is small, but it will get better each year as we work more goodies into the soil....Hopefully the eggplant will grow a little bigger this year!!

New Food!!

Joslin is enjoying eating all of her new foods!! are getting sleepy!!

Here is a series of pictures of Joslin in various stages of sleeping on Jamie....These were taken May 11th. Joslin is about 5 months old in these pics.

Mother's Day 2008

Okay, KJ, I'm getting some new things up. This is the picture that you requested for your birthday...

We did this with the timer so that we would all be in it..