Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Live and Learn!!

You will notice some major problems with the blog now.  I inadvertantly deleted all of pictures associated with my posts.  I will try to regenerate the most recent posts, but I've decided that it would be a daunting task to fix it all.  It has been fun to be able to go back in time and view older posts, so I will try to not mess it up in the future.  

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Haley's Birthday Party

Amber and John put together a birthday bash for Haley's 12th birthday. I apologize for the many pictures, but wanted Kylie to be able to experience it from afar. There were many families and friends present. It was quite nice!! I didn't include pictures of everyone.(thank goodness)

Softball in the backyard..

Kaley and Jordan (friends)

Traditional Dirt Cake!!

Big Bubbles with a bit of enhancement