Saturday, November 29, 2008


Traditionally, we join Jackie (Jim's sister) for Thanksgiving. Jamie, Jose and Joslin spent the day with his family and Kylie went to the coast to celebrate.
Thanksgiving is so special because it is all about family and reflecting on our blessings!

Haley new accessories..

Haley has experienced a couple of milestones in the last couple of weeks with her pointe shoes and braces A sore mouth and sore feet are in her future for awhile. She is always dancing around the house. She loves it! Nice tutu...

Joslin's Baptism November 8th

Saturday, November 1, 2008


Josie and her loot!!

Pumpkin Carving at Sunday Supper

On the Sunday before Halloween, John, Amber and the girls came over and we carved our pumpkins. As you can tell, it went well. I didn't seem to get Amber or Jim in the pictures but they were involved. Haley might be uploading pictures of the final products because we were a bit rushed in the end because she was helping with the others and had to finish hers at the last minute.