Sunday, August 30, 2009

Cabin Experiences

Jim and I were at the cabin last weekend. He was mowing and I was playing with the camera! It is just so peaceful up there. It is very therapeutic (especially the mowing!
If I just sit out and wait, I seem to have ample opportunities for shots. There were pesky gnats that enjoyed feasting on me while I worked(?) They are still itching after a week.

The dragonfly and I were having a staredown. I think he won!

This turkey likes the bird feeder at the neighbors. Mike (the neighbor) says that they perch up there quite often to knock seed out for the little ones underneath. There were 17 turkeys out there at the time.


Sunday, August 9, 2009

Pat's Birthday!!

Jim's sister, Pat, celebrated her 70th birthday on June 14th. Her family hosted a party this weekend to commemorate the event. Anyone that knows me very well, knows that I like to document events with lots of pics. The rest can be seen at .
She is an extraordinary person who has had what most of us would considered insurrmountable obstacles in her life, but she has dealt with each one with the utmost courage and remains a positive example to all of us. Thanks, Pat..

Lake Party '09

When Jim and I were getting ready to get married in 1975, we decided to have a party at my parent's cabin at Kanopolis as a combined bachelor/bachelorette party. We called it the "Last Fling"..We all had such a good time together, that the party has continued almost uninterrupted throughout all the following years. It has calmed down considerably throughout the years, evolving from lots of boating, motorcycles, and volleyball to horseshoes and just "catching up" with each others lives. It didn't happen in 1978 because Dad's cabin burnt that year (but we worked that year), and it had gotten pretty sparse in recent years. At Cynthias's encouragement, we tried to get it back on track this year. It was a success. The remainder of the pictures can be seen at . Thanks everyone!

This group (other than Cynth are all from the original group in 1975 and have been in attendance most all years.