Monday, September 1, 2008

Joslin 8 Months

Here is my rendition of Joslin at 8 months. I figure that Kylie can never have too many pictures posted of the little character. Jim and I love the last picture of her...We just keep laughing!! (Can you tell that I like close-ups to capture her personality??)


cat said...

Joslin's four psuedo-aunties can never have enough pictures either! She fits right in to her family and friends with those faces :)

Momcia said...

I really think the one with the tongue hanging out looks a bit like Edith...

jamie said...

What a character that pumpky is! I love that you captured so many of her different expressions.

Erica said...

These are too awesome! What a spirited young lady! Yeah for photos of Joslin and her many moods :)

Natalie said...

I just love that little girl. That last picture makes me giggle too!